Yesterday we met in
Birmingham and Meridian with several figures from the civil rights movement,
who put a lot on the line when they were our age. We met with people who were
able to reflect on participating in the children's protests, Selma march, and
freedom rides. One reoccurring commentary from these veterans was the dismay
that our generation has failed to appreciate the sacrifices of their
generation. Although I am more optimistic about our generation and its ability
to do great things, I think that we should listen to some of the older
generation's concerns. They were very emotional discussing their observation of
our generation; many were in tears. I think there are some things we can do,
whether it is getting our peers to care more about voting, or being less
concerned with materialism and social media. I have no doubt that with a little
self-awareness, we can prove to our predecessors who fought for civil rights
that we have what it takes to make a difference too.
Noah Samuels, Baltimore City
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