Monday, January 18, 2016

Ebenezer Baptist Church

8 am today, we attended a service at the new Ebenezer Baptist Church across from the old. Just standing outside in the sun and looking at the building with its glassed windows and doors, I knew that today would be a great experience. Because never having been to a Baptist Church and only observing from movies and stories I have been told, I did not really know what to expect, I was only hoping for the best. Once in the building, we were directed by ushers in very nice suits, everyone I passed smiled and greeted me. The overall setting of the church was very welcoming and everyone made everyone else feel comfortable. The church was incredibly beautiful, it was big and just by the appearance I could tell that the church was new.

The service began shortly after and when the moment came, the pastor said, "Let us great everyone the Ebenezer way". Everyone -- young and old-- got up from their seats and started shaking everyone's hands and having small conversations. This moment was a bit shocking and unexpected for me but it was the good kind of shocking because I was not aware of how everyone were connected through one church, having just met each other, it was as if we have known each other for a long time. It was all an incredible experience throughout and I am glad that my first time going to a Baptist Church was today at Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Aicha Camara '17, Baltimore City College

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