Saturday, January 16, 2016

I wanna be something !

One thing that truly stood out to me was the ending of the International Civil Rights Museum tour. We often think " who am I " , you know just some boy from Baltimore who happens to know things. We say, " I'm never going to do anything like the A&T Four", but we have to realize they were our age and just boys that were in college that saw a problem, an injustice and did something about it. So it's not impossible for us to contribute.  At the end of the tour there was a mural of civil rights activists and there were blank spots.  One day I want to fill that blank spot. I would like to be remembered like that and it doesn't have to be civil rights but it would have to be a contribution to society.               

Mark Alston, Baltimore City College


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mark Alston, I believe you will be that “I wanna be something person”. You are a young black man that has not let the streets get the best of you. You have not put yourself in the wrong places at the wrong time or hung out with a crowd that would be a suspect to be picked up by the police. You have wonderful manners, not having to learn from bad experiences, but willing to take the advice of older/wiser ones. Stay focus and you will be that “I wanna be something person”. Natalie - reader of your blog.
