Monday, January 18, 2016


Today, we went to the International Civil Rights Museum. The one thing that stood out to me was an ad for tobacoo. The ad featured white actors using black face. Black face is used for non blacks who are being portrayed as black characters. The actors used other makeup techniques to enhance features such as the lips. The lips were very large. The ad shows the ignorance of Bull Durham's smoking tobacco creators, as well as the lack of respect they have for African Americans. Blacks were mocked, the ad shows the black community as animals, apes to be specific. The ad dehumanizes black people. I hate that people view eachother in such negative lights, at the end of the day, we all have the same organs, bleed the same color and were birthed. The only  difference is complexion and way of thinking.

Tanayja Whittington-Mackall, City Neighbors High School

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