Monday, January 18, 2016

Love and Acceptance

Yesterday we went to the new Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Since I am an Atheist church can be awkward. I think back to a Catholic service I went to that was very uncomfortable for me. I didn't know any prayers, what to do etc. So I went to this Church with mixed feelings. I have gone to a Baptist church before and I had a good time, but I was still anxious. After the service I was blown away. I loved everything about the church. Sure I had little criticism here and there about exactly what was said, but overall I loved it. The message being preached was slightly political and focused on love and acceptance. I liked this a lot as I could still relate despite being not religious. If I lived in Atlanta I would definitely go again. Not for the religious messages, but the sense of community and messages about life that the reverend focused on.

Isaiah Hug, The Park School of Baltimore

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