Saturday, January 16, 2016

International Civil Rights Museum

The International Civil Rights Museum is a place that harbors growth, knowledge, and revolution. Perhaps the most profound aspect of the museum was the quotes on the walls. The quotes reflected the fearless and dedicated nature of the bravest people in our country's history-- of those who fought for the human rights they had been promised in the constitution yet denied every day. One of the most striking quotes was something along the lines of "I was not afraid of dying, I was afraid of not speaking up when injustice occurred."  This quote really spoke to me and mirrored the heart of the civil rights movement. The mere thought of an individual accepting death because of the inequality around them is a concept I found hard to grasp at first, but have grown to understand and use to better my understanding of the struggle African-Americans face everyday that I will never experience because of the color of my skin.                

Leah Balter, City College

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